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Monday, March 8, 2010

Free Thinkers

YouTube - FFreeThinker's Channel
The Future Of Humankind

Before you listen to the following presentations, I would have you know that they are controversial.  You may or may not agree with them because you have your own belief system. The old saying applies, " It is not wrong to disagree, but is not right to be disagreeable."  I believe that thinking and reasoning are the path to reasonable judgment. This is based not only on thought, but emotions. Facts, feelings, and physical things influence our sensory judgments, and we draw conclusions. Time, age, and physical condition may also contribute to our beliefs.  In deed one may come to the very heart of the matter, and that is "How do we develop our belief system?" If I put on rose colored glasses, do I not see the world as red? This is not to say that belief systems are good or bad, just that it is the way we are. 

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