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Sunday, March 28, 2010

Bottled Water

Daily Kos: Drinking Bottled Water Still? Watch this Video
The sheer inanity of drinking bottled water has been diaried here ad nauseam by myself and several other posters. Unless one happens to have a real need for bottled water (emergencies, choked pipes, disasters et cetera) there's absolutely no reason why tap water can't be filled & refilled into water eco-containers when you are on the move. Your tap water tastes horrible? Water filters and reverse osmosis filters are coming down in price and available in most hardware stores and many online shops.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Fingerprints of God

Searching For The 'Fingerprints Of God' : NPR
n her new book, Fingerprints of God, NPR religion correspondent Barbara Bradley Hagerty investigates the intersection of science and faith. She researched everything from the brain functions of Buddhist monks, to the effectiveness of prayer to heal the sick.

She says that after talking countless scientists, she found that science cannot prove or disprove the existence of God, but that science is "entirely consistent" with God.

Jesus Christ

Who is the real Jesus? Facts about Jesus Christ
Who was the real Jesus?
Do recently discovered ancient manuscripts reveal a different Jesus? Or…does the evidence reveal that the Jesus of the New Testament is the real Jesus?
Scholars examine the facts:

Who was---or is Jesus Christ? Ancient manuscripts tell us that Jesus was born around 4 BC and died AD 30. Although he never wrote a book or held a position of political power, Jesus’ life has influenced our planet more than that of any king, president, philosopher or other religious leader.

Written accounts from his followers tell us that Jesus bodily rose from the grave three days after his brutal execution on a Roman cross and burial. Yet TV documentaries, movies, and books like The Da Vinci Code have attacked the New Testament record of Jesus Christ, claiming it is unreliable; others claim Jesus is a myth.

Archaeologists, historians, textual critics, and paleographers have discovered a wealth of evidence that sheds light on this unique person in the history of our world. So what do the facts tell us? Can we trust the New Testament accounts of Jesus, or are the skeptics right?

Friday, March 19, 2010

Closer to Truth

Closer to Truth

Closer To Truth is the definitive series on Cosmos, Consciousness and God, a global journey in search of the vital ideas of existence. It is the most complete, compelling, and accessible series on Cosmos, Consciousness and God ever produced for television.

Closer To Truth explores fundamental issues of universe, brain/mind, religion, meaning and purpose through intimate, candid conversations with leading scientists, philosophers, scholars, theologians and creative thinkers of all kinds. The shows are a rich visual experience, shot entirely on location in high definition with multiple cameras generating rich production values. The visual lushness of the high definition, on-location productions, combined with the intriguing titles of the shows, builds audiences already interested in mankind's greatest questions.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Free Thinkers

YouTube - FFreeThinker's Channel
The Future Of Humankind

Before you listen to the following presentations, I would have you know that they are controversial.  You may or may not agree with them because you have your own belief system. The old saying applies, " It is not wrong to disagree, but is not right to be disagreeable."  I believe that thinking and reasoning are the path to reasonable judgment. This is based not only on thought, but emotions. Facts, feelings, and physical things influence our sensory judgments, and we draw conclusions. Time, age, and physical condition may also contribute to our beliefs.  In deed one may come to the very heart of the matter, and that is "How do we develop our belief system?" If I put on rose colored glasses, do I not see the world as red? This is not to say that belief systems are good or bad, just that it is the way we are. 

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

America, the fragil empire

America, the fragile empire -
For centuries, historians, political theorists, anthropologists and the public have tended to think about the political process in seasonal, cyclical terms. From Polybius to Paul Kennedy, from ancient Rome to imperial Britain, we discern a rhythm to history. Great powers, like great men, are born, rise, reign and then gradually wane. No matter whether civilizations decline culturally, economically or ecologically, their downfalls are protracted.