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Saturday, July 24, 2010

Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett

Speaking of Faith with Krista Tippett: religion, meaning, ethics, and ideas [from American Public Media]
A profound stutter as a child left Alan Rabinowitz virtually unable to communicate and to prefer animals to people. He became a wildlife biologist and made his name as an explorer in some of the world's last wild places — discovering new animal species, encountering human communities believed to be lost, and most of all working for the survival of the world's endangered big cats — lions, jaguars, tigers. We hear about his extraordinary insights into the animal-human bond; and also about the dramatic personal odyssey that has brought him across the years to rediscover "the human side of things" — both in life, and in the evolving science of wildlife conservation. » Visit the Web site.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Right to die

BBC News - Locked-in man seeks right to die
A man with "locked-in syndrome" has begun legal action, asking the director of public prosecutions to clarify the law on so-called mercy killing.

Tony Nicklinson, 56, wants his wife to be allowed to help him die without the risk of being prosecuted for murder.

Mr Nicklinson, of Melksham, Wiltshire, communicates by blinking or nodding his head at letters on a board.

His lawyers say he is "fed up with life" and does not wish to spend the next 20 years in this condition.
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According to his legal team, his only lawful means of ending his life is by starvation - refusing food and liquids. His wife Jane says she is prepared to inject him with a lethal dose of drugs, but this would leave her liable to be charged with murder.